Wednesday 10 May 2023

To What Extent Is the Hype About Vegan Skincare Justified?

When veganism was first introduced, it was only a diet and way of eating. However, the vegan revolution slowly seeped into the cosmetics industry. An array of vegan and organic skincare companies emerged as an outcome.

But before we talk about vegan skincare, we must first familiarise ourselves with veganism.

Veganism: What Is It?

Vegans refrain from using or consuming anything that comes from animals. Meat, milk, eggs, honey, etc., fall into this category. Veganism is promoted as a way of living that helps the planet by taking a somewhat more ethical approach to eating and bodycare.

The vegan cosmetics industry has only recently emerged. As a result, the same concerns about its safety and effectiveness as compared with traditional beauty treatments remain to this day. To make matters worse, there is a noticeable misunderstanding between vegan beauty and cruelty-free beauty. So, let's use this as a jumping-off point into a complete comprehension of vegan skincare and cruelty-free skincare. 

Vegan skincare: Honey, beeswax, ghee, milk, lanolin (produced from wool), non-vegan squalene (shark liver oil), and other animal by-products are not found in vegan skincare products. All of the components are natural plant extracts.

But! A company's claim that its products are vegan does not necessarily make them so. Animal testing could be done on botanical extracts and other plant-based compounds to determine their efficacy.

Cruelty-free skincare: There's no need to explain it. Cruelty-free skincare lines are ones that never use animal testing. Some cruelty-free firms, however, may use ingredients tested on animals in their products.

Honey, beeswax, milk, and ghee are all examples of animal-derived items that can be sourced ethically and responsibly, just like their plant-based counterparts.

Cruelty-free and vegan labels mean that the product is not tested on any kind of animal and does not include any animal ingredients. Many people who care about ethics in skincare consider this to be the gold standard.

Next time you shop, you'll be able to read labels with more confidence.

Which side are we really on?

It's not necessarily wrong to buy cruelty-free products that nonetheless contain animal by-products. But do we really need chemicals sourced from animals to nourish our skin? No.

While it is true that these components can be obtained ethically, the dynamic nature of the skincare business has led to the discovery of other plant-based substitutes that achieve the same results.

The Art of Curing Vegan Skincare 

Do you want to find the best vegan skincare products for your needs? Yes, let's dive in!

Here are a few vegan ingredients that really stand out: 

  • Rosehip oil, argan oil, and hemp seed oil are all examples of carrier oils. Moisturisers, lip balms, cleansers, and serums all consist of these oils. Hemp seed oil softens and calms skin and relieves irritation, while rosehip oil and argan oil deeply moisturise.
  • Olive and rice bran squalane, both plant-based, are treasures from heaven for restoring the skin's moisture barrier and bringing out its natural radiance.
  • If your skin is oily some of the best botanical extracts to try include thyme and witch hazel. Acne scars and breakouts are diminished and the skin is cleansed. 

Now that you know the answer, good luck finding the best vegan skincare!